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Revisiting some old Nokia 3310 Jam years. Absolutely love this - such a cool little idea and so well made.





Nice !


This is a very cool game. You should consider making a version for the Playdate, maybe get some money for it. Don't worry if you don't have the actual device, people in the playdate group in would happily test it for you.


Hot damn this is really cool! Grinning ear to ear every time I beat a level. :D

(2 edits) (+1)


The compact levels and snappy restart means you can iterate your play at a pleasant speed. I like how it introduces new concepts in classic fashion.

The way you can stretch and automatically bounce, around yourself without lost speed is an example of polish that I appreciate.

The seconds of immunity frames at the start, and the way you can clear surprisingly complex levels in a single stretch and have that moment of feeling like a genius is just perfect, and again speaks to a highly refined game that is quite rewarding to progress through.

This is a wonderful little arcade game, gives me OG Mario brothers vibes in the best way possible (the one where you had to kick things into the sewer)

Sound work is excellent, transitions, animations and the menu designs are all very well done.


really cool snake like platformer!!1


this game made me nostalgic, very cool concept, I wish I could play it on an old nokia 


Go team gamejams!!!!