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I LOVE THIS GAME. I was searching for games made on game maker and fell in love with this one.
I'm looking for help with an undertale fangame, and i would love if you gave me a minute to convince you to help us.


me when the square because 45 degree and smile


lovely punchy design, best bullet hell game i've found on this here site

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And I now finally beaten the final challenge!

Also congrats on winning the Jam. You deserve it! The visuals and audio again of this game is phenomenal.


oh thank you! awesome to see someone come back to the game just to clear the final stage :-)

Really like this game. Its super well polished and the artstyle is fantastic and the sound design is super good. The concept is super cool and the bullet hell mechanics are well designed

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After a great deal of suffering, I finally beat the last level :’)

Very cool game, it’s a refreshing and interesting concept. Good work!

This was really nice, i love the tilted canvas and overall vibe this game has, the levels being quick and to the point is great, the music is really nice, genuinely awesome experience.

Also, the final challenge was a really nice way to top off the whole thing.

amazing game makes me use actual brain power i rate this the better half of pinkerton (pinkerton/weezer) if you're asking me which half i will slaughter you

...I am serious...

very inspiring, i love the contrast of the relaxing setting and music along the erratic gameplay. How do you make them pixels look like that? Also, really loved the pause menu letters moving like that


All levels completed 😎 This absolutely rules, S-tier presentation and puzzling out the stages was really satisfying.

this goes so hard, should really throw in a few more levels and put it on steam.

great concept, and interesting execution.. well done!

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( A very pointless commentary version of this exist, It's just more on grunting or I'm gonna be here for a while.)

All I can say this game is very fun and aesthetically amazing! I love the music as well! This is absolutely an excellent game. It's definitely more on the difficult side, and had fun. Unfortunately I was only able to clear the 20 levels. The 21st level/final challenge, is too difficult for me to clear (I guess skill issues), but I'll see about it if I can do it... later that is.. I guess if there's like an easy clear version of the 21st as an option, like having some checkpoints instead on the challenge, but understandable if you would not want too. I still understand and respect for mentality of endless determination in the hardest of challenges. (Just for me, not on this genre tho, and especially not no missing as well.)

But still I had a lot fun with this game. So Kudos!

(also would be cool if there will be downloadable version, but understandable, if it will not.)


The projectiles in Stage 18 are incredibly mean, and I was in intense agony whenever they were on screen. Phenomenal work.


the diamond play area is a little jarring but the gameplay here is solid. i ended up ignoring the main mechanic for the most part but its still pretty fun!

(and i say this for loads of jam games but this game looks and sounds amazing fucking hell. good work on this!!!)


Really fun and cool but I'm bad

Wow this is good! Just the moment I saw how the game was presented I knew this was gonna be a blast, the emphasis on just dodging and making the space to maneuver smaller in exchange for more time to react is a really good trade too :)