A downloadable game for Windows

A strange machine appeared in the sky, breaking down much of the plant life across the region into their core elements, including your humble garden. Collect and harness the power of these fragments in order to rebuild your world piece by piece. Explore 6 unique areas in order to find and defeat the evil that sought your world's destruction.

Default Controls:
Move - Arrow Keys
Jump - Z
Fire - X
Ability #1 - C
Ability #2 - A
Pause (view map, options, etc.) - ESC

Controls may be rebound at any time in the pause menu.

Art, Programming and Design by sarn and OvergrownRobot.

Audio and Music by sarn.

Playtesting by Oroshibu.

Made in 18 Days for Metroidvania Month 24.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(21 total ratings)
Authorssarn, THX
TagsAction-Adventure, Metroidvania, mvm24


LXD Red Honey.zip 33 MB


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I had this sitting on my desktop for months while I chipped away at it, and I finally finished it off today. That last area was a rad reinterpretation of certain Metroidvania mainstays. Really lovely stuff!

Amazing game.

The nemesis fight was tough as nails... it took me 1:53h to beat this "small" game. Really well done with great visuals

The boss after getting the charge attack spawns enemies way too fast. And since the sides of the room are slightly higher than the center, it's almost impossible to hit them at all with the regular shot without walking right into them.

why did i not have to pay for this?! this is SO good!

Maaan what this is so good! How is the world so huge and so well fleshed out? How is it all so polished?! How was it made in 18 days??? AAAAaaaAa?!? I did really struggle with the controls though, I remapped them 4 times, a combination of feeling uncomfortable + keyboard ghosting because I wanted to press up + left / right + shoot + super shoot and that’s more than the keyboard can handle. And that throttle ability is so dang hard to use, it sounded fun but got severely underused. But still, incredible stuff!

really cool game I enjoyed it.

(9 edits)

very great game overall

the only nit pick i have is the escape sequence where some of the rooms which you have to stay around to collect squares ruins the pace of going fast

(and ofc the worst enemy has to be in the last room and its full of it,and the projectile blends a bit with the bg too)

also no teleporter(the dash abiltiy makes it very fast to go around,but well i am lazy)

the last ability also kind of feels like it exists just to be a key for the last gate and not used much,while the boss designs could be developed more

(down+ability makes it a bit akaward to cast and you cant bypass enemies that block the whole corrider with it)

(the last boss is very cool thr)

(bosses also feel too easy(you should ignore this biased comment from a experienced player))

but well you know jam game moment

the other great thing would be that checkpoints are placed very nicely,sometimes i would get low and i can just rush to the next checkpoint then come back to grab the squares

("only" nitpick lol)

play time:59 mins


the kind of game that makes people want to make games too

instantly one of my favorite metroidvanias. absolutely crucial that everyone play this one

It's really good! Love the art style :D

Just finished the game today, and what a treat. The fact a game with this much polish, charm, and juice was made in less than 3 weeks is very impressive, yall should be very proud. I gotta say, that final gauntlet had me raging a bit, just so many lasers to deal with in that last screen it was like a bullet hell which I was not prepared for. But it did feel good to overcome it, so I appreciate the challenge. 

(1 edit) (+1)

I've beaten the game and gotten all collectables (maybe?) but have the one top left section of the starting room empty. I see those two blocks and am dropping from above trying to reach them. Is this a skill issue or is there really nothing up there? 

Well. I play a lot of this kind of game, and this one feels great to play. Thanks for making it!

I play a lot of metroidvanias and this game checks all the boxes for a great one! I finished it 100% (I think) in one sitting with a clear time of about 2 hours. I died a few times in a few different parts but nothing felt unfair. Overall very fun and highly recommended!

This game is a LOT of fun. Thanks for making it not too punishing.

That said, it's not apparent how to get past this eye! I've ragequit three times. SOMBUDY PLEEZE HELLLP

you need to find an upgrade that allows you to shoot underwater, the non-underwater blocks require the charge shot upgrade

wow! Looks cool, unfortunately I don’t have a  windows machine. What engine did you use ?

it gamemaker

It run perfectly with wine/proton 


fantastic, but it simply would not detect inputs from my ds4 which made me sad. i hate to play a sidescroller with keyboard, but it was still great

This is so great!! My one tiny critique is that the player character is sometimes blocked by the map, and if you decide to polish it up a little that would be nice to address -- make the map transparent when you move behind it, or build in a little bit of border around the level, or something like that. Definitely not a deal-breaker though!

amazingly polished metroidvania :) 

This is absurdly good. You have absolutely nailed the distilled essence of the genre and managed to avoid feeling precisely like ANY of the heavy weights. I cannot recommend that people play this strongly enough.

I absolutely adore this game.  Insanely impressive for 18 days.

I'll echo what a lot of other people are saying about the movement and sound design being fantastic.

The visual designs of the different areas are as distinct as they are lovely to look at.  A lot of the enemy designs gave me big Cave Story vibes in the best way.

I really enjoyed the level design on the whole, but especially the way the Slam and Lambaste enemies were used in a number of sections to keep you on the move (and moving is super fun in this game).  The variety of different slopes are used really well to create a lot of unique and interesting areas.

I love the extra bits on detail on the street lamps you can shake around and all the great animations on the square.

The catharsis of getting the missile upgrade and getting to blow up all the enemies you previously had to dodge around was a great moment too.

I found the telegraphing of attacks from the later bosses to be a little lackluster (Nemesis especially).  I felt like I more-so had to get lucky to beat them as opposed to understanding their patterns and tells and outmaneuvering them.  The fact there as many bosses as there are kinda blows my mind though.

I also wish the punch attack had a little bit more range to it, but I understand why it's the way it is.

Thanks so much for making this game!  Amazing work; I had a blast.

P.S. I found this bug when transitioning screens.  I imagine you've seen it, but I just wanted to make sure.

Peak but like actually


this should be a paid game wow i have spent 1.30 hours on my first session and its so fun and pure concentrated metrovania


I don't usually enjoy these itch.io games but this was very cool.  Hope to see a full length with the same style on Steam one day!

Dude i had so much fun with this game! the movement on the gameplay feels soooo good, this reminded me why i love metroidvanias. 

and another thing i want to praise is the sound design too, seriously! very very well done <3

the only constructive criticism I'd like to say is that the endgame part needs a bit more balancing :0 the timer part with the laser guys i think it has so many things happening on the screen that it was a bit overwhelming to deal with (i understand that the game was made in 18 days so its fair that it happened)

but that's it >:D
if you ever plan to upload this game to Steam please please do it!! i'd love to replay and support the game there too o/ you guys deserve it so much 

the movement in this game just feels so good


this is really great, congrats!


woah!! thank you!!


I did not expect this to be so good. It’s honestly one of the best minivanias I’ve played. PLEASE make more Metroidvanias, big or small :)


absolutely fantastic game, I loved every bit of it.

totally agree 


Very nice work. This game is simple but not too simple to have a distinct and charming style. Just the right length for what it is, too. That last segment took me a few tries. 

is it spoilers to ask if i can get more than one star on a file?

u can only get one, there isn't really anything extra after beating the game


Thank you for this fun game, I really liked the universe, its atmosphere and its inhabitants, the character is so fun to control, I wasn't able to master the art of bouncing on enemies but I got to the end anyway :D

I just went out of bound and this screen : 

A quick "quit to menu and restart" solved it.


this game is going to stick with me forever as a testament of everything i want games to be. thank you for making it

thank you!!!


bossfights other than the first one are terrible. rest of the game is awesome. the sound design is still my favorite part of this it's so damn good. game is a lot of fun but i doubt i'll finish it because of that sword boss


he not that hard u just have to use your moves

(1 edit) (+3)

its not that hes too hard its that i dont find the fight fun. theres no telegraphs for any of its moves so i end up just jumping around practically at random in an attempt to avoid whatever attack he could possibly throw at me next, and i simply don't find that style of bossfight fun, even though it is very well beatable given enough attempts. there might be some pattern to it that i missed, but tbh a lot of the reason that i'm not inclined to give it another try is just because it seems like i've seen most of the game already and i'm satisfied with that.

i will admit that just calling the bosses terrible without giving any constructive feedback was pretty shitty of me especially because it's just. not true. the sun and moon bosses were pretty fun and i somehow forgot about them when i wrote my original comment? i'm not sure what i was thinking when i wrote that, i think i was mostly just still frustrated about that block guy boss which. given it's simplicity and how late it is i'm guessing it was a relatively late addition so i can definitely give that one a pass for its lack of polish.

so, again, i really do apologize for that comment. it makes no sense and was a pretty stupid thing for me to say. i do still think the final boss feels lacking, but really, the rest of the game is great and it's incredibly impressive how much you were able to achieve in a month. if i was rating for this jam i'd give it full five stars easily.


its ok i appreciate you coming back to comment again :)
unfortunately we only really had time to let 1 person playtest before we had to release the game, and the 2 bosses you disliked were the ones they kind of just steamrolled, so we really didn't have any chance to get valuable feedback on those.
as for the cube boss, his main attack does have a bit of windup and his other move only happens ever few attacks, but those are definitely things that are easy to miss and would greatly benefit from at the very least being more obvious, he was very rushed though.
there is some cool stuff after him but I don't blame you for wanting to stop there.


yeah, that boss is like, way too hard for someone with like no skills at all, maybe you could release an update that makes that boss a little easier to fight

Encountered a bug where the game reverted to a much earlier save when I died. Otherwise, really cool style with this one.

that's really weird, idk how that would happen unless your pc was like,  blocking the game from writing the file for some reason

fun and fairly simple metroidvania. Enjoyable throughout but wow the environments and designs are beautiful, made even more impressive by the very limited palette most areas use.


it's full of lovely beauty

I really want to play this, a linux build would be cool :>

I can't recommend this enough

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